        1. Click on the Download button below.
        2. Save the Mangal.ttf to any directory.
        3. Click the Start button and select Settings, Control Panel, Fonts.
        4. Click on File, Install New Font
        5. Select the the directory where you have saved the font file
        6. Select the Mangal.ttf font and click OK.
        7. This will install the font for viewing the site. Exit the control panel.
        8. If you are unable to see the site in Marathi you may need to restart the browser or reboot the machine.
        9. Fonts when displayed may sometimes appear jumbled in Internet Explorer 5 browser. To avoid this, from the 'View' menu, select 'Encoding', user defined.
10. The site comes with IE6,IE7,Mozilla2.X,Mozilla3.0 provided two conditions are met.
a)     Font Mangal need to be installed.
b)     Control Panel>Regional and Language Options>Languages>Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages(including Thai), need to be checked.It will ask for the XP Install disk,just give the drive and it will continue.
c)     Devnagari on Macintosh

On Mac OSX Tiger/Leopard, you can enable Devnagari fonts using the System>Preferences>International>Language>Edit List option.
Certain locale settings can be changed using the Formats tab.
For typing Marathi/Hindi on a Mac, you can choose the keyboard layout using the the two options available by default are Inscript and phonetic. Once you choose one of them, the icon for the input method would be displayed on the top right corner - in the dashboard.
To switch between Devnagari and other scripts, you may use the input switcher on your Mac using a mouse or you can set a keyboard shortcut, which by default is [Apple] + [Space], and it can be changed using the
* System Preferences>International, or
* System Preferences>Keyboard & Mouse options
Do you still have trouble viewing Marathi? Perhaps the fonts package needs to be downloaded, you can see the instructions to install Devnagari fonts for the Mac straight from following website:

Once the Devnagari on Mac setup is available, your mac would have the Devnagari mt font available, and you would be able to use it with Address Book, iChat, Mail, iPhoto, TextEdit and all other applications that come bundled with the machine.
Note that this is not an OpenType font like the other fonts listed on the Fonts page, but it still uses unicode-defined codepoints for Devnagari, only the rendering method is different.
All OpenType fonts may not work with mac because of rendering issues.

Safari has built in support for Devnagari rendering. Go to Preferences>Appearance>Default Encoding and set it to Unicode UTF-8. If you are a mac user and have more information about setup, please let us know about browser settings, email clients, newsreaders and text editors that can be used for Devnagari on Mac.

Download Link 1

Download Link 2 ( All marathi fonts )

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